Warilla-Barrack Point is a volunteer organisation; and everyone here gives their time to make nippers as fun as possible while the children learn skills required to be water safe.
Age Managers, Coaches and the Committee Members provide a voluntary service to our community. They provide their time and expertise to assist in educating your children in the aquatic environment. Similarly Junior parents are required to assist throughout the season. Please volunteer – don’t wait to be asked.
** It is a requirement for ALL CARNIVAL COMPETITORS to have at least one parent who can assist in the water or officiate. This lessens the load on all parents and committee members.
Without the help of parents, carnivals cannot run effectively. The club is required to supply 1 official and 1 water safety per competitor. Warilla-Barrack Point club encourages parents to complete their Bronze or an officials course so they can assist. Roles on the beach can be as simple as marshalling the competitors or recording names. Parents usually find this participation rewarding, and the children usually appreciate the demonstrated support from their parents.
How parents can get involved:
It is compulsory that Junior Parents/guardians be at the Club at all times. In respect of the U6s, U7s and U8s, the Parents/guardians MUST be on the beach with their child
Get your appropriate SLSA Awards (SRC and Bronze Medallion) and assist with water safety. Alternatively, consider completing your Level 1 officiating course to assist on the beach.
Families are needed to assist Age Managers with set up/pull down of activity areas, washing and storage of equipment/boards. A roster for “set up” responsibilities has been generated for the season; please click on the link above to find out when your age group is on duty.
If you don’t feel comfortable on the beach or in the water, please consider doing an RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) course so you can assist behind the bar during club fundraising activities or social sippers. The cost is $100 but reimbursed after you have assisted twice behind the bar.
Assistance is always encouraged and eagerly sought. Please ask questions and offer your help in whatever area you feel comfortable. We cannot succeed without your involvement and our experience is that children whose parents are actively involved as helpers, in any capacity. Please talk to one of our friendly committee members if you would like to find out more information.
At Warilla-Barrack point we have a code of conduct for all our members, parents and children that everyone must abide by.
Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA) has developed guidelines for the code of conduct for all personnel involved in surf lifesaving. All members are obliged to conform to the guidelines which cover behavior.
Surf Life Saving Parent/Guardian code of conduct:
A Parent/Guardian of an SLSA member will:
remember that their child participate in surf lifesaving for their own enjoyment.
focus on their child’s efforts and performance rather than winning and losing.
show appreciation for good performance by all participants.
never ridicule or yell at their child or other children for making a mistake.
respect officials decisions and teach their children to do likewise.
not physically or verbally abuse or harass anyone associated with the activities (eg. Coach, official, age manager, etc.).
be a positive role model for others.