NIPPERS - U'6 - 14
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Warilla-Barrack Point Surf Life Saving Club offers an extensive surf education program for young nippers starting from our Green Hats (U6 & U7) through to our older age groups. The Surf Life Saving Junior Activities Program has become one of the most successful children’s development and sporting programs in Australia. It encourages children to learn new skills; promote active involvement by parents and create a learning environment from which both children and parents can benefit. The skills learnt through Nippers may one day save their own, or somebody else’s life!
Nippers runs every Sunday from October to March. All Juniors meet at 9.15am in front of the Club for a prompt 9.30am start. Every age group has an Age Manager. The Age Manager is responsible for the education, training and organisation of the group. All children are asked to report to their respective age managers to have their names recorded. Children will then go to their allotted skills development group. It is here that young nippers learn appropriate theory regarding surf safety skills, resuscitation, basic first aid and surf life saving. For more detailed information information, please see “Age Groups Info”.
Children should be wearing their swimming costumes, cap and sunscreen. Remember slip, slop, slap and wrap. Whilst the children are involved in Juniors they are required to wear their coloured cap, based on the age group they are in. It is important that the cap is worn as is enables them to be identified on the beach and in the water as Juniors. It is also a mandatory requirement for those nippers entering the water, that they wear their pink high-vis rashie. If they feel more comfortable children may wear board shorts, rash shirts, t-shirts or wet suits during Club Days. For safety reasons no jewellery is to be worn.
Nippers will also get an opportunity to participate in a number of age appropriate activities including wading, beach sprinting, beach flags, surf swim, board paddling and March Past. Please note U9 and U10 nippers use a foam nipper board. U11-U13 are required to use a short fibreglass board and the U14’s progress onto a long fibreglass board.
There is an opportunity for Nippers who have successfully completed their proficiency swim (click for more info) to compete as part of the Warilla-Barrack Point Team at Carnivals throughout this season. This is a lot of fun and builds camaraderie amongst the kids and fellow club families.
As we are a voluntary organization, parent involvement is required to assist throughout the season. This may include helping out in the canteen, becoming an Age Manager, Officiating or doing Water Safety at carnivals, helping set up and pack up the beach or just as a general helper.
Warilla-Barrack Point supports the encouragement of children to have fun, participate safely at the beach and, most importantly, to develop skills and confidence in surf life saving and sport through the spirit of fair play.
Competition is regulated by Surf Life Saving Australia across a wide range of ages, commencing with the Under 8 Age Group and covering Members to sixty years of age and over. Carnivals enable members to practice their skills and to keep fit.
If carnival entry fees are paid on behalf of a member and that member fails to attend the carnival, then the member shall reimburse the entry fee to the club unless under extenuating circumstances.
If the club pays the entry fee for any “series” carnivals and a competitor fails to compete in “all” rounds of the series then the competitor shall reimburse the club for the entry fee unless failure to compete was due to extenuating circumstances.
Eligibility and Annual Proficiency Assessments:
Surf Life Saving Australia has set minimum standards of water proficiency that each child must achieve before they are eligible to participate in Club water activities, training or Competition. Download it here
To be eligible to compete, a junior member must have completed the Junior Activities Preliminary Skills Evaluation and the Junior Activities Competition Skills Evaluation.
To be eligible to compete at a championship event they also need to have achieved the appropriate surf education award for their age by 31 December. Any member who has not completed these requirements by the 31 December who seeks to compete must apply in writing to the State Director of Lifesaving clearly identifying reasons for not completing requirements by 31 December.
Our aim is to encourage all children to participate in all water activities on Skills Development days, where adequate water safety is always available.
Warilla Barrack Point SLSC Junior Proficiency Requirements
Under 6 Nil (shallow water activities only) Nil (no competition)
Under 7 Nil (shallow water activities only) Nil (no competition)
Under 8 25 metre swim (any stroke), 1 minute survival float Nil (no water competition, except for wade which takes place in waist deep water)
Under 9 25 metre swim (any stroke), 1 minute survival float Minimum, 150m open water swim (competition course as per competition manual)
Under 10 25 metre swim (freestyle), 1.5 minute survival float Minimum, 150m open water swim (competition course as per competition manual)
Under 11 50 metre swim (freestyle), 2 minute survival float Minimum, 288m open water swim (competition course as per competition manual)
Under 12 100 metre swim (freestyle), 2 minute survival float Minimum, 288m open water swim (competition course as per competition manual)
Under 13 150 metre swim (freestyle), 3 minute survival float Minimum, 288m open water swim (competition course as per competition manual)
Under 14 200 metre swim (freestyle, in less than 5 minutes), 3 minute survival float Minimum, 288m open water swim (competition course as per competition manual), SRC
Uniform Requirements:
Competition caps are compulsory and need to worn on your head and securely tied under your chin for the duration of the event. No jewellery is to be worn. Hi-Vis rash vests are compulsory for water events. If competing in a team, all rash vests need to be identical (the club will supply these). Although not compulsory, it is requested that competitors wear their club swimmers. This creates uniformity and comradery with the team.
Carnival Code of Conduct:
Unless assisting as an official, Parents are not allowed into the competition area. The team manager is the only person allowed within this area and only they are to lodge protests regarding any infringement of the rules.
The carnival is under the control of the carnival referee. The referee can alter or even cancel a carnival program. Please be aware that there are a number of factors that can have an affect on the running of events. The numbers of competitors, surf conditions, even the weather can cause changes to timing and/or the order of events and may even cause the cancellation of some or all the remaining events in a carnival.
Parent Involvement:
Without the help of parents Carnivals would not be able to be held. The club is required to supply officials and water safety officers. Parents usually find this participation rewarding, and the children usually appreciate the demonstrated support from their parents. Warilla-Barrack Point club encourages parents to complete an official’s course and officiate at Carnivals. Each club is required to supply 1 official per 10 competitors, as Age Mangers are very busy on Carnival day we ask that parents of competitive Juniors sign up for the official’s course.
Our water safety parents are in the water looking after the safety of all competitors, so it’s up to the non-swimmers to help out on the beach. It really is easy and can be as simple as setting up at the start or finish line, marking names and/or giving places
2023 - 2024 calendar TBC
WBPSLSC has a strong commitment to teams and surf sports that is supported by expert and experienced coaching in all facets of surf competition disciplines.
Active members can compete in a range of disciplines: Swim, Board, Ski, Surf Boat, IRB, Beach events (Flags, Sprint). Kirk Allen is our head Coach and he runs training sessions train at various times of the week and year – an updated training calendar is available or please speak to your coaches about joining the private Facebook chat for all you need to know.
If you would like to find out more about competition & training please contact the club via email.
Boat events include a team of 4 rowers and a sweep. They race approximately 400m out to sea, turn around a buoy and then return to shore.
The different divisions of the event are:
– Open men
– Open women
– Reserves (Men & Women)
– U23’s (Men & Women)
– U19’s (Men & Women)
– Masters (Men & Women 30yrs or older)
If you are interested in joining one of our boat crews, please do not hesitate to get in contact with the club.